Mutual Recognition & Partnership

The Global University of Science and Technology (GUST) is pleased to announce its articulation agreement signed with UNIVERSIDAD AZTECA (Azteca University). This articulation agreement allows credits earned by Azteca University students credited in GUST, and vice versa, as well as mutual recognized and supported for each other, by which arrangements, the students of both can apply for a dual degree in the same subject with each other through RPL- Recognition of Prior Learning. This will enable the students of both the universities to acquire a second degree by paying an affordable fee. The affiliation has been established to give the students from both sides a feel of the changing socio-economic differences that the continents enjoy and how this gap created by the cultural differences could be filled through joint studies. Moreover, this special agreement is to ensure that students would save time and cost in completing their degree programs.
The Universidad Azteca (also known as Universidad Azteca de Chalco) is an international university in Mexico State in the greater Mexico City area. Universidad Azteca with recognition of the Official Validity of Studies awarded by the Federal Secretary of Education (RVOE), accredited by the Federal Ministry of Education of the Republic and recognized by the Federal Government to provide higher education and award graduate and postgraduate university degrees. According to the Mexican Higher Education Laws, Universidad Azteca is authorized to offer study programs and award degrees with RVOE and offer autonomous programs and award academic degrees of the university. The study areas with RVOE (accreditation) are Administration Informatics; Architecture; Business Administration; Education Sciences; International Commerce; Law; Pedagogics; Psychology; Public Accounting. The University awards undergraduate Bachelor, graduate Master, postgraduate Master and Doctoral degrees in international programs in accordance with the Bologna Process and issues a Diploma Supplement.
- Universidad Azteca programs are accredited by TRACCERT Training Accreditation & Certification Organization Canada. TRACCERT is a member of AAAC Association of Accrediting Agencies of Canada and a registered Accreditation and Certification Body with the Government of Canada.
- Fully-Accredited Member of the International Association for Distance Learning (IADL), UK.
- Universidad Azteca International Programmes at Innsbruck Austria have been audited by AFQ Akademie Futurum Qualitas (Berlin, Germany) and certified for the QMS according to ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 29990:2010.
- Approved member of the European Association for Distance Learning EADL
- Universidad Azteca European Programmes provided in Austria legally are registered with the Austrian Quality Assurance Agency AQ Austria.
- Universidad Azteca is a recognized university listed in the IAU International Handbook of Universities of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
- Universidad Azteca is certified by LAQI Latin American Quality Institute for the applied QMS;