Research Centres

In association and affiliation with top research centers around the world the Global University of Science and Technology (GUST) is engaging in extensive research activity and that:

  • Are committed to graduate education through the doctorate
  • Give high priority to research and as such create and produce new knowledge not just disseminate existing knowledge
  • Award Doctoral degrees
  • Receive research funding from government and other public and private entities

Research at GUST targets areas and challenges of strategic importance to the nation and aiming to drive growth for technology-driven economies in Egypt and the region. Applying state of the art technology and capitalizing on strategic academic and industry partners that are leaders in their field, GUST’s applied research topics address areas such as:

Healthcare: Mobile healthcare, diagnosis and networking using sensors, cardiac and retinal medical imaging, personalized medicine, Cancer Diagnosis and Drug Delivery using Nanotechnology, remote surgery,..

Agriculture and Crops: Decoding Buffalo Genome and Palm Tree Genomes by analyzing Big Data, Intelligent and Precision Agriculture Systems,..

Traffic and vehicles: Intelligent traffic monitoring, Wireless Vehicular Networks, smart traffic cameras,..

Energy and Water: Water Purification and desalination using nanotechnology, energy harvesting and scavenging, improving efficiency of solar cells using Microelectronics, optimizing energy usage & leveraging renewable energy,cloud-based Management of urban water systems

Software and Communications: 4G Mobile Phone Technology and Application, LTE, relaying, White Space, Interference Management, Educational Games and eLearning, virtual reality, resource allocation in networks.

Social Applications: Data and Text Mining, social trends analysis, sentiment analysis…

Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness: Technology Transfer, mapping Egyptian entrepreneurship eco-system, managing Innovation, assessment of national innovation system, Competitiveness of Egyptian Enterprises with Emphasis on SMEs, sustainable and lean manufacturing…

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