GUST Capacity Development Competitiveness Co. for Training (Quodrat)

The GUST as international federal University, comprising independent Member Institutions spread across the world extend seamless access to high quality, affordable and convenient learning opportunities to provide academic, professional and continuing education programs as well as research and development programs serving the Global Sustainable Development Goals, is pleased to welcome Capacity Development Competitiveness Co. for Training (Quodrat) as a new Member Institution.
WE ARE VERY EXCITED TO ANNOUNCE that the Capacity Development Competitiveness Co. for Training (Quodrat) is affiliated with the Global University of Science and Technology (GUST) as University Center in Cairo, Egypt. Additionally, the Chairman of Quodrat is a Professor of HR Management & Collegiate Council Member of the GUST.
GUST Capacity Development Competitiveness Co. for Training (Quodrat), officially established in Egypt as a public institution at the Ministry of Public Business Sector, to be the strategic and executive arm for building and development of the human capital. It aims to raise the level of performance and competitiveness of the employees by offering various professional training programs, workshops, specialized seminars and educational programs. All our professional programs are accredited by the National Quality Institute (NQI) as a governmental organization and quality assurance arm of the Ministry of Industry & Trade as well as the National Training and Education Council (NTEC) and the Association for Accreditation of International Management Education (AAIME)