Recognition & Accreditation
The Global University of Science and Technology (GUST) officially registered as an international federal University comprising independent Member Institutions extend seamless access to high quality, affordable and convenient learning opportunities and global knowledge transfer network to provide academic, professional, and continuing education programs, as well as research and development programs for achieving the Global Sustainable Development Goals. These Member Institutions are legal and accredited with campuses spread across the world. Theses Member Institutions are self-governing, setting their own entrance criteria and in some cases have their own degree awarding powers, but also the GUST has some level of control and influence over their academic policies, standards and programs as a federal body to coordinate and integrate resources and ensure the implementation of the Education for Employment (E4E) and Multidisciplinary Learning for Leadership (L4L) System programs. However, degree programs granted by the GUST qualify graduates to get Joint and Dual Degrees with Member Institutions according to each program requirements.
GUST is an internationally recognized university by United Nations – HESI with Recognition No.: 44134. The Higher Education Sustainability Initiative (HESI), a partnership between United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, UNESCO, United Nations Environment, UN Global Compact’s Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) initiative, United Nations University (UNU), UN-HABITAT, UNCTAD, and UNITAR, was created in 2012 in the run-up to the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20). With commitments from over 300 universities from around the world, HESI accounted for more than one-third of all the voluntary commitments that were launched at Rio+20. Through its strong association with the United Nations, HESI provides a unique space for higher education institutions with a unique interface between higher education, science, and policy making across the UN.

The Global University of Science and Technology (GUST) chartered by the Government of France according to Law No. 1901 , and internationally recognized & authorized by the French Ministry of National Education, Higher Education, Research and Innovation, to grant degrees according to Code de’l Education Articles L 444-1 a 444-11 et R 444-1 a 444-28, the Education Law of the French Republic, European Union
GUST Higher Institute of Engineering & Technology (HIET) in the Borg El-Arab City, Alexandria – Egypt, officially licensed as a non-profit higher education institution by the Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research and fully accredited by the Egyptian Supreme Council of Universities. The campus covers approximately 10 acres (feddans) (4 ha) of land with some 6750 m2 of space of modern purpose-built teaching facilities.
GUST VU School of Management is officially registered at Neuchâtel Canton and is entitled to offer programs leading to a BBA, an MBA, an EMBA and a DBA degree. It is accredited by AME Accreditation for Management Education, and certified by the Swiss Quality Label for Further Education Institutions (EduQua) until 4 July 2014. GUST VU School of Management is an Educational Member of the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), the (IACBE). In addition, it is approved and accepted by the UN PRME Steering Committee to participate in the Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) initiative. PRME Steering Committee comprises United Nations Global Impact, AACSB, EFMD, AMBA, AAPBS, CEEMAN, and GMAC.
GUST – Windsor University (WU) is officially registered and accredited by Higher Education Licensure Commission HELC and The Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) – Washington DC, USA. Windsor University was established to meet the increasing demands for high-quality academic education in today’s competitive global markets utilizing the latest technologies in providing well-designed programs, including the knowledge and skills required today and in the future. Its’s programs are on par with the quality of prestigious traditional universities facilitating the students’ helpful learning experience and allowing the active exchange of knowledge with highly qualified instructors’ support.
GUST Flight School is one of the most prestigious and largest aviation schools licensed by the Ministry of Transport, Civil Aviation Authority of the Czech Republic. We have a large fleet of aircraft and helicopters, including our own flight simulator. It is an European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) Approved Training Organization (ATO) under CZ – ATO022. The Czech Republic is a member state of EUROCONTROL, which is an intergovernmental organization with 41 Member and 2 Comprehensive Agreement States, pan-European, civil-military organization dedicated to supporting European aviation. The Civil Aviation Authority of the Czech Republic is a full member of International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) as well as European Civil Aviation Conference representing (ECAC) and Europe Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA) . The Czech Airlines is a recognized member of International Air Transport Association (IATA).
GUST Amity College – Florida is institutionalized in the state of Florida as a non-secular educational foundation for promoting peace through education. It is authorized by the Commission for Independent Education, Independent Colleges and Universities, Non-Secular Division, Florida Department of Education to operate as a private, non-secular college and to issue Associate, Bachelor, Master and Doctorate Degrees.
GUST Victoria College For Science & Technology is a fully accredited by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research Republic of Sudan, to offer Bachelor degree for specialist Accountants in Project Accountancy and Corporate Accountancy as well as Professional Qualifications and Fellowships.
GUST Capacity Development Competitiveness Co. for Training (Quodrat), officially established in Egypt as a public institution at the Ministry of Public Business Sector, to be the strategic and executive arm for building and development of the human capital. It aims to raise the level of performance and competitiveness of the employees by offering various professional training programs, workshops, specialized seminars and educational programs. All our professional programs are accredited by the National Quality Institute (NQI) as a governmental organization and quality assurance arm of the Ministry of Industry & Trade as well as the National Training and Education Council (NTEC) and the Association for Accreditation of International Management Education (AAIME)
World Fund for Development and Planning (WFDP) is recognizing the Global University of Science and Technology (GUST) as existing International Institution for Higher Education. The GUST serving as one of the think tanks and academic arms of the WFDP around the world. The WFDP is an international law and public utility, holding diplomatic relations and both bilateral and multilateral treaties and conventions with multiple Sovereign States who are members of the United Nations. WFDP is an Intergovernmental Entity which enjoys Special Consultative Status to United Nations ECOSOC and is accredited and affiliated with the United Nations Office of the Special Adviser on Africa (UN- OSAA). WFDP’s rights and duties are recognized and respected by the international community as it is subject to international law and public utility.
The GUST signed special Memorandum of Agreement with Ministry of Public Works, Republic of Liberia to formalize the bonds of mutual recognition and partnership which have grown to work together in a professional manner to maximize engagement and results for developing professional competencies of all staff at the Ministry and its partner organizations.
Our programs are fully validated by UNIVERSIDAD AZTECA (Azteca University) This means that our graduates earn two academic degrees: one from GUST and the other from AZTECA. It’s an accredited university by the Federal Ministry of Education of the United Mexican States and recognized by the Federal Government to provide higher education and award graduate and postgraduate university degrees. According to the Mexican Higher Education Laws, Universidad Azteca is authorized to offer study programs and award degrees with RVOE and offer autonomous programs and award academic degrees of the university. Moreover, Azteca University is listed in International Association of Universities of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
The Bachelor, Master and Doctorate Degrees awarded by the Global University of Science and Technology (GUST) are validated and equivalent to the corresponding degrees awarded by San Juan de la Cruz University (SJDLC). It is regionally accredited University from State Ministry of Public Education and by the National Council of Higher Education Private Universities (CONESUP), The apex national educational body for accreditation, control and regulation of the operation of private universities in the Republic of Costa Rica, Central America. As well as San Juan de la Cruz University is listed in International Association of Universities of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
The Global University of Science and Technology (GUST) Bachelor, Master and Doctorate degree programs are validated and equivalent to the corresponding degrees granted by the International European University (IEU). It is recognized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, and all the educational programs of the IEU are regulated and approved by it. IEU’s degrees are legalized by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine; the degrees are also recognized worldwide. Therefore, GUST graduates eligible to get equivalent degrees from the International European University (IEU).
International Qualifications of the Global University of Science and Technology (GUST) registered into the UK Register of Learning Providers, United Accreditation Service (UAS), the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT)- United Nations, Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises and Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship of India Government.
The GUST degree programs are validated and equivalent to the corresponding degrees awarded by Logos University International (UniLogos). It is chartered to operate by the State of Florida, through Registration No. N17000002992 (Florida State Department), Approved by the Independent Commission on Education (Florida Department Education), in Louisiana it is registered and approved by the Board of Regents and in France it is authorized (Loi relative to la liberté de l’enseignement supérieur du 12 juillet 1875) composing the Process of Bologna. It’s also part of the United Nations (UN) Academic Impact program, with the University number 943 recognized and fully accredited by Accreditation Service for International Schools, Colleges and Universities (ASIC). The UniLogos chartered in Brazil, USA and European Union.
The academic, professional and continuing education programs granted by the Global University of Science and Technology (GUST) are validated and equivalent to the corresponding degrees granted by the City University (CU). It has been registered in multi countries for its recognition and Accreditation. Through its multi-registration and accreditation in several countries it made the City University become the autonomous International university degree programs. CU offers for online, distance and on campus learning, the campuses have been registered and accredited by the government are as follow. The CU has followed the process of education in Nigeria and obtained the fully accreditation from the government of Nigeria. The City University is registered and fully recognized by THE FEDERAL MINISTRY OF EDUCATION ABUJA, NIGERIA, NATIONAL YOUTHS SERVICE CORPS (NYSC) NIGERIA and various professional bodies or councils for the awards of professional license to practice. The Campus address I is No.1 Kawu Plaza Lagos, Street maiduguri Borno State Nigeria and Campus address II is Km6, airport road, Owode, Akure, Nigeria. In addition, City University has been also registered to the government of Liberia and fully accredited by the government of Liberia. The campus address is at No 15, 7th Street, Sinkor, Monrovia, Liberia. CU has been registered to the government of Benin and it has been obtained the fully accreditation and recognition by the government of Benin. The campus address C/125, Bonny house, Seme okon, Benin Republic by using name in French as the Universite De La Cite. City University was funded by the public Institutions and it was registered to the government of Cambodia since 2005. City University is a fully established and recognized in Cambodia as public university by the Ministry of Education Youth and Sport and has received full accreditation from the Accreditation Committee of Cambodia (ACC) number 0128-13021. The ACC is the only official accrediting body for recognized public and private universities in Cambodia. The ACC is also International member of Council of Accreditation of Higher Education in the United States (CHEA). In addition, CU is recognized worldwide by the International Association of Universities (IAU) and UNESCO.
Quality Assurance Commission (QAC)
The GUST is accredited by the Quality Assurance Commission (QAC). QAC was formed as an autonomous not-for-profit organization. The QAC is registered with governmental statutory bodies in Malaysia and the United Kingdom. In the United Kingdom, the QAC UK is registered with the UK Register of Learning Providers, whereas in Malaysia, it is registered with SSM and MATRADE.
The Oxbridge
The GUST programs are validated by The Oxbridge: The Oxford and Cambridge International Professional Qualifications. It is a leading UK based assessment and accreditation body. The Oxbridge provides assessment, accreditation services, and professional awards, up to the equivalent of level nine of the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF). Awards include Diploma and a Specialist Doctorate (Dr), or a Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) which both come with the grade of Life Senior Fellow (Level 8). The Oxbridge also offers a Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship (Level 9), carrying the title of Professor. (Prof.). The GUST graduates are eligible to obtain equivalent qualifications from Oxbridge
The GUST® dully registered and complying with the requirements of ISO 21001 set forth by the International Organization for Standardization. The ISO headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, launched ISO 21001 in 2018. It is now endorsed by 125 countries, and is a globally accepted accreditation standards for Educational Organizations. Then, ISO 21001 accreditation standards further validation of the GUST’s status as the most globally recognized educational and research complex.
International Distance Education Accreditation League (IDEAL)
The Global University of Science and Technology (GUST) has provisionally accredited by the International Distance Education Accreditation League, which is recognized by the National Network of Quality Assurance Agencies (NNQAA), which is one of two national quality assurance networks Fully Recognized by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED).
Accreditation Council of World Humanity Commission (WHC)
GUST is proud to have received full recognition and accreditation by ACCREDITATION COUNCIL OF WORLD HUMANITY COMMISSION [WHC]. It’s Independent and Sovereign Intergovernmental Organization” whose daily diplomatic role is serving humanity; providing better platform upon which peaceful co-existence across people of ethnic background, irrespective of sex, cast, creed, political, culture, and religious lines.
European Accreditation Council (EAC)
GUST has bestowed accreditation status by the European Accreditation Council. It’s affiliated to the Council of Technical Education & Training Accredited by United Nations Economic & Social Council, Chartered by Government of Georgia, Ministry of Justice (Europe), Chartered by Government of Armenia, Ministry of Justice and Chartered by Government of India, Ministry of MSME.
Board of Quality Standards (BQS) International
GUST have earned full recognition and accreditation by the Board of Quality Standards (BQS) International. It is an independent international quality assurance regulator and a member of the international quality assurance agencies for higher education (INQAAHE). The organization is an independent international legal personality governed by charter to serve as Quality Assurance Authoritative Body to promote quality assurance in Higher education.
Accreditation Council of Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom, Republic of Indonesia
The Global University of Science and Technology (GUST) chartered as international organization for higher education.
Royal Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom Accreditation No. KKM-00283.1702.2020
R.K.M.P.I.I. No. 1228.17.10.2020
Delan Nala Duta KTM UN Volunteers Roster No 1878931.
The Kingdom of Kutai Mulawarman which is legally led by Duli Yang Maha Mulia Sripaduka Baginda Berdaulat Agung Maharaja Srinala Praditha Alpiansyah Rechza Fachlevi Wangsawarman Yang Dipertuan Agung Maharaja Kutai Mulawarman (His Imperial Majesty Prof. Dr. MSPA Iansyah Rechza. FW, Ph.D Sovereign Emperor Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom) serves the Kingdom of Kutai Mulawarman is a name in the era of independence in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia which is protected by Regional Regulation Number 7 of 2000, the Great Customary Institution of Muara Kaman District was inaugurated by the Kukar Regional Government in accordance with the Regent’s Decree Number 140/079/PD-III/SK/II/2002 dated 13 February 2002 concerning the Appointment of the Chief Customary Officer/Traditional Stakeholder, Secretary and Assistant to Customary Institutions in the Muara Kaman District Area. The Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom is sovereign over its sovereign rights and sovereign rights and is sovereign as a culture and customary law kingdom and is institutionalized as an association within the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia based on the Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia Number : AHU-0067708.AH.01.07 Year 2016 Date, July 16, 2016 Regarding the Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom with complete supporting documents from: National Legal Entities : Certificate of Domicile change from 2011 by the Government of Kutai Kartanegara District, Muara Kaman District, Muara Kaman Ilir Village Number: 140,598.1/MKI/XII/2019,
Certificate of Reporting Organization Number: B-20/KESBANGPOL/POLDAGRI-I/220/04/2021 Kutai Kartanegara Regency Government Tenggarong National and Political Unity Agency, 09 April 2021,
Registration Certificate 6 October 2011 Updated with Number: S-4729KT/WPJ.14/KP.0803/2021 Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia Directorate General of Taxes Regional Office of DGT East and North Kalimantan KPP Pratama Tenggarong concerning Kingdom of Kutai Mulawarman NPWP 03.130.467.8- 728.000 Samarinda April 7, 2021, Personal Postal Giro Account Number, Status 0110022241/ Active on behalf of the Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom as the Center for Cultural Conservation and Customary Law Values from PT Pos Indonesia,
International Legal Entities: International legal provisions in the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Registration Areas of Expertise and Fields of Economic and Social Activities, Culture, Human Rights, Indigenous Peoples, Information, Justice View General 2016 Kingdom of Kutai Mulawarman with the Register UN CSO-Ner – 380945 UNDSS M-1-7939913881 UN VOLUNTEERS-1878931 UN SD GOALS PARTNERSHIPS PLATFORM 36387. Legal Global Assessment and Accreditation Council Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom Accredited as The Sovereign Monarchy Dynasty House Accreditation Number SMDH04-0692016SG with good standing of 5 Star Grade valid upto 6th September 2050 INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION OF DIPLOMATIC RELATION HUMAN RIGHTS AND PEACE Agustus 2016,
International Organization for Educational Development (IOED)
GUST has received full recognition by the International Organization for Educational Development. IOED is an organization with an international membership, scope, and presence, Specialized International fully Accredited Permanent Diplomatic Mission having Principal Headquarter in the capital city of India, Delhi, established in June, 2014 with an aim to make Skilled, Empowered, Prosperous, Environment-friendly and Crime-free States. It is connected with the Sovereign States and having special Extraterritorial Status based upon the International Vienna Convention of Diplomatic and Consular Relations. It has been working on the Diplomatic Relations, Educational Development (Research & Training), Cultural Relationship and Economic Cooperation.
The Council of Technical Education & Training (CTET).
The Council of Technical Education & Training (CTET) is Established with the permission of the Government of India for promotion, development, research and training in the skill education for the self employment training programs. It is accredited by United Nations Economic and Social Council, and Full Member of National Board of Quality Promotion of the Quality Council of India as well as ISO 9001 accredited Organization.
World Green Economy Council (WGECO)
GUST Programs are validated and recognized by the World Green Economy Council (WGECO®). It is an international organization officially registered & chartered by USA, Rwanda and Indonesia Governments as well as recognized by United Nations Global Compact with registration no 112301 as the first global organization dedicated to green economy and United Nation with UNGM 745563. The WGECO is the green arm of the World Fund for Development and Planning (WFDP), as subject to international law and public utility, holding diplomatic relations and both bilateral and multilateral treaties and conventions with multiple Sovereign States who are members of the United Nations. WFDP is an Intergovernmental Entity which enjoys Special Consultative Status to United Nations ECOSOC and is accredited and affiliated with the United Nations Office of the Special Adviser on Africa (UN- OSAA). WFDP’s rights and duties are recognized and respected by the international community as it is subject to international law and public utility. WGECO is working together with governments, public & private sectors and other international institutions to develop green economy best practices & solutions for green future.
Global Quality Council (GQCO)
GUST Programs are validated and recognized by The Global Quality Council. The GQCO is the world’s leading professional body for qualifications and standards in improving product, project and service quality.
Chartered Institute of Quality and Lean Six Sigma
Chartered Institute of Quality and Lean Six Sigma™ is a professional body and is affiliated to the Offices of International Six Sigma Institute™, Wollerau, Switzerland and Postgraduate College of Lean Six Sigma. The Institute is the most recognized professional body in Nigeria, West Africa when it comes to trend-setting in Quality Management profession. GUST is fully recognized and validated by Chartered Institute of Quality and Lean Six Sigma™.
Chartered Institute of Project Management
The Chartered Institute of Project Management, has evaluated the Global University of Science and Technology (GUST) programs and will grant graduates of such programs the following professional qualifications: Graduate Diploma / Bachelor Degree – Full Membership grade, Master Degree – Fellow Membership grade and Doctorate Degree – Doctoral Fellow grade.
Chartered Institute of Supply Chain Management
The board of Governors of the Chartered Institute of Supply Chain Management, USA has evaluated the Global University of Science and Technology (GUST) programs and will grant graduates of such programs the following professional qualifications: – Graduate Diploma / Bachelor Degree – Full Membership grade, Master Degree – Fellow Membership grade and Doctorate Degree – Doctoral Fellow grade.
Chartered Institute of Customer Relationship Management
The Chartered Institute of Customer Relationship Management (CICRM) is a non-profit making international examining body that exists to provide high quality, cost effective, internationally recognized and its also established in Nigeria as an offshoot of the parent body in United States of America by Decree as a professional body and examining body in Nigeria and approved by the Federal Ministry of Education of Nigeria. The board of Governors of has validated the Global University of Science and Technology (GUST) programs and granting graduates of such programs the professional qualifications: – Graduate Diploma / Bachelor Degree – Full Membership grade, Master Degree – Fellow Membership grade and Doctorate Degree – Doctoral Fellow grade.
GUST officially registered at United Nations (UNGM No.: 720537)
Registered in the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
UN World Program Communication Accreditation No. AC-061.2601.2021.
GUST is dully registered in European Commission with registration No: 528761038886-30