
Library Vision

Provide Library services to underpin GUST’s vision to be highly ranked and internationally respected, making a significant contribution to make a positive difference to the world which we work and live.

Library Mission

To provide vibrant services using all possible resources to support the students learning choices and research requirements and attract high-quality researchers and students which will eventually contribute in the production of globally qualified leaders to be part of the development of the world.

The Library will achieve its mission through the following themes, which underpin the strategic plan:

  • Ensure the Library building is well maintained, secured and technology enabled.
  • Provide quality information with a focus on electronic resources.
  • Identify the staffing requirement, support staff development and retain current staff for the benefit of the University community.
  • Develop communication and marketing strategy to reach national and international recognition.
  • Develop student & Alumni services to be in alignment with modern international service provision.
  • Support research activities.
  • Provide community services.

GUST E-Library

A service dedicated to students of the GUST’s Distance learning community. We provide online resources, professional support and guidance to all our students whenever, and from wherever they have chosen to study.

We believe that:

Access to adequate library services and resources is essential for the attainment of superior academic skills in post-secondary education, regardless of where students, faculty, and programs are located.
Members of the distance learning community are entitled to library services and resources equivalent to those provided for students and faculty in traditional campus settings.
ACRL Guidelines for Distance Learning Library Service

Key resources and services

  • University Catalogs 
  • Databases which contain journals, book reviews, e-books, newspapers and magazines, conference proceedings etc.
  • E-books – our principal e-book database
  • Document Supply Services
  • Resource Discovery Tools
  • An enquiry service staffed by professional librarians
  • The Library also plays a key role in Information Literacy training

Eligibility for services

To use the services, you must be enrolled with the GUST’s distance learning programs or a member of staff involved in delivering and supporting the distance learning programs and directly employed by the Global University of Science and Technology (GUST).

You can access all the Online Library’s resources using your Portal username and password.

The Online Library Team

The Online Library is staffed by a team of professional and qualified librarians. You can contact us at or by telephone on +2-0100-16-120-17. You can also use the Contact Us webform or talk to us in real time using the Chat with us!

We look forward to welcoming you all to the Online Library!

Copyright© Global University of Science and Technology (GUST). All rights reserved


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