Joint & Dual Degrees


The GUST is an international federal university consisting of reputed independent Member Institutions extend seamless access to high quality, affordable and convenient learning opportunities as well as global knowledge transfer network serving the world. When studying with us you belong to a particular Member Institution as well as the GUST. This allows students to have access to a wide range of facilities and services.

Our Member Institutions are self-governing, setting their own entrance criteria and in some cases have their own degree awarding powers, but also GUST has some level of control and influence over their academic policies, standards and programs as a federal body to coordinate and integrate resources and ensure the implementation of the Multidisciplinary Learning  for Leadership (L4L) System programs. However, degree programs granted by GUST qualify our graduates to get JOINT, DUAL, AND TRIPLE DEGREES with Member Institutions according to each program requirements.

The Global University of Science and Technology (GUST) and the University of Azteca at United Mexican States have signed a special mutual recognition and partnership agreement, by which arrangements, the students of both can apply for a dual degree in the same subject with each other through RPL- Recognition of Prior Learning. This will enable the students of both the universities to acquire a second degree by paying an extra fee. The affiliation has been established to give the students from both sides a feel of the changing socio-economic differences that the two continents enjoy and how this gap created by the cultural differences could be filled through joint studies.

The  Azteca University or Universidad Azteca (also known as Universidad Azteca de Chalco) is a full accredited university with recognition of the Official Validity of Studies awarded by the Federal Secretary of Education (RVOE), accredited by the Federal Ministry of Education of the Republic and recognized by the Federal Government to provide higher education and award graduate and postgraduate university degrees. According to the Mexican Higher Education laws Universidad Azteca is authorized to offer study programs and award degrees with RVOE and offer autonomous programs and award academic degrees of the university. Moreover,  Universidad Azteca is a recognized university listed in the IAU International Handbook of Universities of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

The Global University of Science and Technology (GUST) Bachelor, Master and Doctorate degree programs are validated and equivalent to the corresponding degrees granted by the International European University (IEU). It is recognized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, and all the educational programs of the IEU are regulated and approved by it. IEU’s degrees are legalized by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine; the degrees are also recognized worldwide. Therefore, GUST graduates eligible to get equivalent degrees from the International European University (IEU).

The Global University of Science and Technology (GUST) degrees are validated and equivalent to the corresponding degrees awarded by San Juan de la Cruz University (SJDLC). It is regionally accredited University from the State Ministry of Public Education and by the National Council of Higher Education Private Universities (CONESUP), The apex national educational body for accreditation, control and regulation of the operation of private universities in the Republic of Costa Rica, Central America. As well as San Juan de la Cruz University is listed in International Association of Universities of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

All the GUST degree programs are validated and equivalent to the corresponding degrees awarded by Logos University International (UniLogos). It is chartered to operate by the State of Florida, through Registration No. N17000002992 (Florida State Department), Approved by the Independent Commission on Education (Florida Department Education), in Louisiana it is registered and approved by the Board of Regents and in France it is authorized (Loi relative to la liberté de l’enseignement supérieur du 12 juillet 1875) composing the Process of Bologna. It’s also part of the United Nations (UN) Academic Impact program, with the University number 943 recognized and fully accredited by Accreditation Service for International Schools, Colleges and Universities (ASIC). The UniLogos chartered in Brazil, USA and European Union.

Then, the GUST provides interests around the world with the finest opportunities for completing their academic education via distance learning, on-campus or combination of both. The GUST is responsible for promoting, developing and granting the DUAL AND TRIPLE DEGREE PROGRAMS with fully recognized and accredited Universities to run fast-track Master and Doctoral programs for professionally qualified people, in the following disciplines including but not limited to :

Master Programs

  • MBA: Master of Business Administration
  • MQM: Master of Quality Management
  • MHRM: Master of Human Resource Management 
  • MSCM: Master of Supply Chain Management   
  • MPM: Master of Project Management
  • MHSEM: Master of Health, Safety and Environmental Management

Doctorate Programs

  • DBA: Doctor of Business Administration 
  • DQM: Doctor of Quality Management
  • DPM: Doctor of Project Management
  • DSCM: Doctor of Supply Chain Management   
  • DHRM: Doctor of Human Resource Management 
  • Ph.D. in Diplomacy and International Affairs
  • Ph.D. in Finance and Economics
  • Ph.D. in Mediation and Conflict Resolution
  • Ph.D. in Sustainable Development and Green Technology

Besides the above GUST will provide on behalf of and in partnership with AZTECA UNIVERSITY:

ACADEMIC PROGRAMS Fully Accredited at TRACCERT Canada.

  • Doctor of Business Administration, DBA (Different specializations)
  • PhD by Thesis (Different Specializations)
  • Doctor of Individual Studies
  • Doctor of Environmental Studies
  • Doctor of Letters
  • Doctor of Sciences
  • MBA (Different Specializations)
  • Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) at Different specializations
  • Sc. in Psychology (Addiction Counseling)
  • Sc. in Psychology (Coaching)
  • PhD in Psychology
  • Master of Education, M.Ed.
  • Doctor of Education, D.Ed. or Ed.D.
  • Master of Professional Studies
  • Doctor of Professional Studies
  • Master of Advanced Studies
  • Doctor of Advances Studies
  • Master of Individual Studies

However, we present to interests the following educational services:

  • Support you through orientation,
  • Then we  help you map out just the right program to meet your needs,
  • Stay with you all the way- through registration, credit transfer and course tutoring
  • Our special credit transfer system enables you to gain the maximum allowable credit for your previous studies,
  • GUST saves you from academic bureaucracy i.e. for individuals in their own credit transfer often take a very long time and be costly as well. However, with GUST you often can have your credits transferred within week without any additional cost. As well as consultancy is free of charge.

Finally, GUST guarantees that you will study theses programs at: 

1-Affordable and Quality education

GUST program meets the standards of quality set by the reputed accreditation organization, in terms of faculty, curriculum, administration, libraries, financial well-being, and student services. Because of the process of accreditation, new students, returning students, and families of students can trust that the education/training they are paying for is valuable and worth their time, money, and effort.

2-Credit transfer

At some point in their education, many students wish to transfer to a new college or university. Most often, these students wish to transfer the course credits they have already accumulated to the new college or university so that they will not have to repeat similar courses, spending unnecessary time and money.

3-Success in the workplace

Most employers prefer to hire job applicants who have gained their education from an educational institution with the appropriate accreditation status. Many employers also look to see that employees have been educated at an appropriately accredited institution when making decisions about business promotions, company advancements, and whether to provide tuition coverage or assistance for employees who wish or need to further their education.

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